Breastmilk and the Immune System

I recently came down with the flu, and several people asked if I switched my baby to formula during this time- thinking that my breastmilk would get my baby sick.

This is a very common myth, but in fact breastfeeding moms should do the exact opposite and make sure they are feeding their baby milk that was produced during illness.

Breastmilk contains antibodies, which are proteins that help fight off foreign substances such as viruses and bacteria. When a mom is sick, her body produces these antibodies against the illness. The antibodies are present in breastmilk and instantly help protect the baby from the infection.

Babies are born with immature immune systems, which is why it can be scary if they are exposed to illness. However, If a baby is exposed to germs the mom will automatically start producing immune factors against that illness- even if the mom isn’t sick.

Moms who are pumping are usually told to feed their baby the oldest milk first. However, in the event of illness it can be helpful to use the most recent milk instead, as it has immune factors to help the baby fight off the illness. Even though my baby was very exposed when I got the flu, he never did end up getting sick- a win that I attribute to breastmilk!


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