Are you Filling your Cup?
I read once that burnout is not caused by doing too much, but instead by not doing enough of the things you actually enjoy. This resonated and led to a theory of mine that everything you spend your time on has the potential to deplete your energy or refill it.
The activities that fill my cup include talking with good friends, writing, exercising in an enjoyable way, and reading a fun book. If you are experiencing burnout, it might be because you aren't including enough of these recharging activities.
Most of us experience energy depleting activities on a daily basis. After doing something that drains my energy, I intentionally plan to do something from above that will energize me. For example, there are certain continuing ed classes that deplete my energy. To counteract this, I plan a short outdoor walk after working on these.
I have also discovered that some activities are truly just neutral. Watching Netflix for hours doesn’t necessarily fill my cup or deplete it. For this reason, I have tried to replace these "neutral" activities with ones that truly re-energize me.
Being more mindful about how I spend my free time has been instrumental in my stress-management journey and has allowed me to overcome burnout. If I come home from a long day where my energy is depleted and scroll social media, I will go to bed feeling depleted. If I instead do a yoga class or Facetime a friend, I am able to truly recharge.
If you feel chronically stressed, try practicing intentional activities that truly fill your cup.