Moving Stress through your Body
Chronic stress has been one of my biggest obstacles to overcome. I am still working on it, but something that has really helped me has been finding ways to physically move the stress out of my nervous system through my body. Here are some examples of ways to do this:
1. Take a walk outside
Sunshine in itself has several benefits, and I’ve found walking to be a great way to relieve stress. I typically pair my walk with a fun podcast episode or a phone call with a friend for an added mood boost.
2. Engage in a mind-body fitness format
Exercise in any form releases endorphins and can be an excellent stress reliever. I have personally found even more benefit from mind-body formats that allow me to release my emotional stress through physical movement. My favorites are Yoga and Oula.
3. EFT tapping
Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) is a great option for stress relief because you can perform it on yourself. The premise is that tapping on certain body points while focusing on painful emotions can reduce the distress signals in your brain and promote relaxation. Learn more at
4. Chiropractic care and massage therapy
I have found great stress relief from both chiropractic adjustments and massage therapy. While this may not be an active form of stress relief, I do believe it is a powerful tool to utilize in combination with the other ones listed.
5. Find an NET practitioner
Neuro Emotional Technique (NET) is based on the concept that unresolved emotional trauma is stored in the body. NET practitioners (such as chiropractors or psychologists) are trained in finding stress patterns and helping you to heal them. Learn more at